Great Fibromyalgia Resources Available!

Today I was reading an article in Medscape entitled, “Fibromyalgia: The Latest in Diagnosis and Care“.  I, like many of your I’m sure, have an extremely short attention span. For one reason or another I actually read this entire article… and thank goodness for that! At the very end Dr. Clauw states, “FibroGuide is a free CBT program for FM patients that has been shown to be effective in a clinical trial and can give patients access to CBT treatments to which they might not otherwise have access“.

While reading I realized it’s a good time to remind every one of some resources that have helped me and may, in turn, help you. So enjoy and I hope this information helps you in some small or even better BIG way!

All of these resources, and much, much more, are available on my Tools & Resources page:

FibroGuide: Take the time to check out this link, it’s not just a guide, it’s an application that provides personalized steps to help resolve the specific symptoms you are struggling with at a given time (including tips, worksheets and audio exercises!). This  Symptom Management Program for People Living with Fibromyalgia was adapted from the ongoing work in patient education for Fibromyalgia led by David A. Williams, PhD, within the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center (CPFRC) at the University of Michigan.

Knowledge Center: Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain & Depression

Here are some “best of” compilation pages:

wellnessworkbookI created a couple different journal pages to help me track my progress, you are welcome to use… I hope it helps you!

For pain relief… laughter is the best medicine! @TheBlogess is AWESOME and when I am down, nothing makes me laugh more than when I read her blog…

4 thoughts on “Great Fibromyalgia Resources Available!

  1. Congratulations on the Fibro Blog of the year, that’s awesome! My wife has dealt with Fibromyalgia most of her life and recently had a diagnoses that she is allergic to Chocolate (bummer huh?) and about 30 other things. It’s actually an intolerance along with gluten, eggs and some things you would not think of (like Kale,…. I thought Kale was supposed to be healthy!). She actually went to a Chiropractor for back pain and he was also a nutritionist that basically said “Your very inflamed… have you ever had a food intolerance test?”. She had not so we got one (It was around 200 bucks but I know there are at-home kits you can mail in as well).
    Anyway, we are about 5 weeks in on our detox diet and the change has been incredible. If you are suffering out there go get a food allergy test and cross your fingers that it’s the issue. Good luck and thank you Dr. D’souza at

  2. I am SO THANKFUL that I found this amazing blog/person! You are such an inspiration! I, too, am challenged with some DIS-EASE….but we keep it moving! I look forward to reading more of your posts and growing with you!

    • Thank you for the kind words! It really means a lot that you took the time to leave me a comment. It helps me realize that what I’m writing is actually helping someone else.

      Take care!

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